The Norths leading Wild Flower Specialists - A Brief History
The first seeds of what later evolved into Heritage Wild Flowers were sown (literally) in 1985, when we decided that we would like some true native bluebells in one specific area of our (quite large) garden at home; and, knowing where some had been growing wild for many years, went and collected a few seed heads to raise some plants from. Having subsequently planted these, I decided that, as we had started this area with wild flowers, we would carry on and have nothing but in this area.

Over the next 5 years or so, we would go on collecting forays each Summer and Autumn; always being careful not to take too much seed in each instance; until we had quite a variety of wild flowers growing. Unable to let anything go to waste, I would regularly crop these plants and grow lots of new plants each year - far more than we needed! - so we started, in a very small way, to sell plants by mail order (not the easiest thing to do!).
The next major move came in 1992, when we bought 4.5 acres of very suitable land (in itself not easiest of things to do), and started to make a serious business of what had, to that point, been simply a hobby.

Things moved quite steadily for a few years, we were originally selling mainly plants (in various sizes), with just a few popular seeds in plain envelopes, until about 15 years ago when, after being asked regularly by our garden centre customers for a range of seed packets, we decided to go ahead - invested in a completely new computer / printer / digital camera, so that we could print our own packets (we didn't want to order each packet variety in the tens of thousands!). From being a very basic pictorial packet, these have evolved into a very well presented, very informative seed packet. This however necessitated a considerable reduction in the plants range, to the extent that we now almost exclusively supply seeds only.
In recent years the “Nursery” has evolved more and more into a “Nature Reserve” and seed cropping site, which is how we now run things.

further information, specific advice, catalogues and price lists can be requested via email -
or by sending a request and s.a.e. via snailmail to:
Office and Accounts :
53 Midgley Road
West Yorkshire
LS29 7NJ